Christopher Danielson
Talking Math with Your Kids
Supporting children’s early mathematical development
Christopher Danielson, PhD
Author, educator, dad

Parents know that we need to read 20 minutes a day with our kids.
But teaching math to your kids doesn’t have to be intimidating. It can be fun. Just as children say goodnight to the moon, they can say hello to numbers, shapes and measurement.
Talking Math with Your Kids provides ideas and products that get children and caregivers talking about math with creativity and joy.
Whether you’re reading books on the couch, cooking dinner, running errands, or scheduling your day, opportunities for math talk abound.
This website collects research about, and examples of, math talk with children. Each post offers suggestions for adapting the examples for your own children, interests, and lives.
Enjoy and let me know how those conversations are going in your home. Use the contact form to ask questions, send feedback or to send along a conversation for highlighting on this site.
Thanks for reading.
Talking Math with Your Kids Blog
A blog of math research and examples of how to talk math with children. Choose an age group below to view age-appropriate math conversations and activities.

Books Written
Blog Posts
Math Conversations
How can I recommend this highly enough? “Which One Doesn’t Belong?” can stimulate children to think like research mathematicians, a rare and precious feat for a children’s book.