Talking Math with Kids Shop

Buy tiling turtles, Truchet Blocks, and Christopher’s books Which One Doesn’t Belong? and How Many?

Wooden Tiling Turtles

Wooden Tiling Turtles



Which One Doesn’t Belong? A Better Shapes Book

Which One Doesn’t Belong? A Better Shapes Book

21st Century Pattern Blocks

21st Century Pattern Blocks

How Many? A Counting Book

How Many? A Counting Book

Truchet Blocks

Truchet Blocks

Spiraling pentagons

Spiraling pentagons

Hexagon onesie

Hexagon onesie

Artisanal Hexagons Puzzle

Artisanal Hexagons Puzzle

Gallon of pentagons

Gallon of pentagons

How Did You Count?

How Did You Count?

Hat Tiles

Hat Tiles