5 and 6 years old

Counting fingers

Counting fingers

Counting fingers A while back I met a mathematician. He is the husband of a colleague. He found my Talking Math with Your Kids project fascinating and asked repeatedly for additional examples of the conversations I have had with Griffin and Tabitha. He referred to...

Sharing pears

Sharing pears

I took the kids camping this weekend. Jay Cooke State Park is lovely. I recommend a visit if you have never been. We had the following conversation at the campsite on Saturday evening. Me: Griff, we have two pears and three people. What should we do about...



We were packing for a trip recently. I have developed a system for getting the kids packed. It is beautiful. Here's how it works: Send kids to basement to get suitcases.Keep suitcases on first floor.Send kids upstairs to get one type of item at a time. E.g. Three...