Which One Doesn’t Belong?
Tiling turtles and other math-y playthings
Math On-A-Stick links
If you’ve gotten here by way of Math On-A-Stick, then welcome!
Here are the tiling turtles: https://talkingmathwithkids.squarespace.com/
Here is a link to Which One Doesn’t Belong? https://www.stenhouse.com/content/which-one-doesnt-belong
And here is a link to writing about Math On-A-Stick. https://talkingmathwithkids.com/2015/08/31/let-the-children-play/
What is Talking Math with Your Kids?
This website is dedicated to helping parents support their children’s mathematical development. We know we need to read with our children every day, but what should we do for math? Answer: Talk about math with them as we and they encounter numbers and shapes in our everyday lives.
What to do on this site
- Read the blog. Check out the recent posts or browse posts by age or category.
- Read about relevant research.
- Ask questions or send reports of your own successes and struggles on the About/Contact page.
- Receive new information about the site in your email by subscribing.
- Read favorite posts featured in The New York Times, The Toronto Globe and Mail, Minnesota Public Radio, and Minnesota Parent: Bedtime, Guess the Temperature, Canned Pumpkin, Measuring the Hill, Underpants (and Armholes), Big Cheez Its, Dots and Circles.
- Use these links to like us on Facebook or check out the #tmwyk hashtag on Twitter. (#tmwyk stands for “Talking Math with Your Kids”.)
- Click through to the Talking Math with Your Kids store to buy a book or plaything for you and your kid(s) to enjoy.
Now in book form
Talking Math with Your Kids is now available as a Kindle e-book. The book is primarily for parents of children ages 3—9 and contains lots of new, exclusive content. Buying the book will help support the work on the blog. But don’t worry, we’ll keep the blog rolling and free!
We are also excited to announce our first book for children and parents to read together! Which One Doesn’t Belong? is a shapes book for all ages. Details are in the Building a Better Shapes Book post. Which One Doesn’t Belong? is due from Stenhouse in 2016.
I wrote Common Core Math For Parents For Dummies, now available wherever great math-y books are sold, including at Amazon and the new Talking Math with Your Kids store.