[UPDATE: After three delightful summers, The Summer of Math is on an extended hiatus. When it returns, you can be among the first to know by subscribing to the Talking Math with Your Kids newsletter.]
Hey parents! Listen closely. Do you hear that? It’s the sound of school letting out for the the summer!
You’ve got your summer camps planned, your squirt guns at the ready, and you’re all set to hit the library as many times as needed to keep your kids reading all summer long.
Now you need a plan to keep their math minds active.
At Talking Math with Your Kids, we’ve got you covered.
Announcing The Summer of Math.

A small sample of the fun to be had this summer!
Here’s how it works. You can head over to the Talking Math with Your Kids store, pay for a subscription to The Summer of Math, and all summer long we’ll ship you awesome, fun stuff that will keep you and your 5—10 year old busy playing and talking math.
You’ll color, count, make patterns, designs and shapes. You’ll read together, draw, and challenge yourselves. You’ll notice. You’ll wonder. You’ll play. And when school starts back up in the fall, your kids will remember this as the best, mathiest summer ever.
The details
Each month June—September, we’ll ship you a box that contains a bunch of great stuff—at least one book, at least one related set of mathy things to play with, and at least one special surprise. For example, in June you’ll get one beautiful math coloring book, one terrific activity book, all the supplies you need for both of these, a set of spiraling pentagons (so you can make your own awesome designs like those in the coloring book), and a little something extra we cannot yet divulge.
Plus a newsletter where we’ll share additional ideas, questions, cool math stuff we’ve been doing, and reports you send us of the mathy fun you’ve had this summer.
We’ll ship the first week of each month. One week before we ship it out, we’ll send you an email letting you know exactly what’s coming your way (except for the surprise—that’s always a surprise!) You can let us know if you need to add, delete, or swap anything out. We can easily credit you for things you already have (but it’s not likely you’ll already have much of what we’ve got planned), or substitute something new and awesome for it.
We’ll have a Facebook page where we’ll share our mathy adventures and encourage you to share yours.
What are you waiting for? Click on through and join us for The Summer of Math!