Year: 2014

Tens again

Tens again

Slowing down at the end of a long, active spring day. Stormy clouds are rolling in. Tabitha and I watch them together for a couple of minutes from the west-facing window at the top of our stairs. I ask Tabitha if I can ask her a quick math question. She consents....



A few weeks back, this short cryptic video came to my attention thanks to the magic of Twitter. Thanks to kids connect (@KinderFynes on Twitter) For more than a year now, I have been posting links and other short bits on Twitter using...

10-minute reading time

10-minute reading time

A while back, bedtime was spiraling out of control. The kids share a room; they would be wound up at bedtime and the transition to sleep was not happening smoothly. We had a big, big problem on our hands. We solved the problem with 10-minute reading time. The...

Easter candy

Easter candy

Easter Sunday saw St Paul, Minnesota waking up to weather perfection. Sunshine, low seventies (Fahrenheit), cloudless sky. Truly amazing. There was a loon on Lake Phalen! This was the sort of April weather that brings Minnesotans out of their homes to rediscover...

March Mathness, week 3

March Mathness, week 3

Week 3 of my month of math in March is up on the Tiggly blog. This week: Patterns! Click on through. A pattern Tabitha made a year ago when she found two markers and a piece of paper on the table. Get ready to waltz with your wee...



Tabitha received a Twister game for her recent birthday (7 years old!) She enjoys a version of the game in which one person spins and the other follows instructions until, as Tabitha puts it with much delight, the cookie crumbles. The players switch roles for...