Talking Math with Your Kids on Kindle!

Someday there will be a full-sized paper version of a Talking Math with Your Kids book (Hear that publishers? Wanna talk? You can find me at the About/Contact page.)

Until that day, there is now a mini-version (15,000 words; roughly three chapters, $4.99) available on Kindle (and readable on other devices with the Kindle app).

Tabitha is thrilled with the news!

It is aimed at parents of children from 3—9 years of age. Parents of older or younger children will likely be able to extend the ideas to their own situations, too.

Go have a look, won’t you? Share widely and let me know what you think.

Table of contents is:

  1. Introduction
  2. Counting and other adventures in number language
  3. Adding and subtracting: Two peas in a pod
  4. Conclusion
  5. References and further reading

About 1/3 of the conversations in the book have been previously documented here and/or on my blog Overthinking My Teaching. The rest are new to readers. Also, there is a ton of new content summarizing research and the mathematical development of children in parent-friendly ways.

Early response has been awesome.

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